Lift the Veil

What was once crisp, great rustling pile,
All bounce and crunch and childish wiles
Now mildew-wet, darkened, deflated
Jump in, slick, and twist my ankles

What was once rich with luscious crunch
Cool in my palm, ripe on my tongue
What blessed drink, pastry, and pie
Now acrid, worm bit, hard and dry

What chill winds kissed with aire of change
Once trilled excitement, stimulating
What felt like wondrous mystery,
Now sighs ice-veined mortality

What embers glittered in the black
Great bonfire to sweet candle-jack
Glowing with peace in homestead’s heart(h)
Now feels crushed in against the dark

What days filled with folk and laughter
Wrap’d like an ornamental package
Unfold and hold with joy together
Now gray and sterile as the weather

In the shift of what’s begotten
Nostalgia unearths undead - rotten


Static Hum


Well, I did ask….