Green Man

Rise shining, 
stiff back scratch on bark
That's cracked as wide as shins and shoulders
Grip a brisk grin twixt my teeth
Sprint off, full of lust and wonder
Crush n crumble patterned lichen
scrambling over boulders, 
Chasing subtle morning light that
Warms like friendship;
I might 
Catch you for a fresh won meal
Or Passing tangle in the night
Oh, Wild King! 
To glimpse your visage!
The whole unchained wood before me
Dreaming of you, dip my toes in
Glassy rivers, crystal liquid 
Wash off all my sweat and filth
Fingers scrubbing memory, 
Some rinse off and some sink deeper
Mark my flesh my brain my dreams
my very soul with hunger, vigor
Drip dried, maybe armed or naked
Either way you see me, drink in
How I crave you from afar
Dappled, verdant warriors
And Brothers, Lovers,
Feral Ken
Blossom open, call you into me like 
Lilies, honeysuckle 
Dripping fragrantly with musk 
The hum of life surrounding us 
And I am one with what we've written
Every line another stitch in this infinite tapestry
This world, your words
Awaken me




One Sunbeam