
I am going to dig myself a massive fucking pit
I am going to dig through rock until my palms blister and split
I am going to dig until I sweat out all my tears and spit
I am going to dig this hole and I am going to die it in

But I said I won’t, so…..

I am going to dig this fucking knife into my skin
I am going to dig until I’ve paid the blood price for my sins
I’m gonna dig straight through this flashback making me 14 again
I’m gonna dig for the endorphins that make losses feel like wins

But I said I won’t so….

I am going to dig the challenge of my education
I’m gonna dig the ease and social interaction of my station
I’m gonna dig learning the steps to amp my house from roof to basement
I’m gonna dig building relationships without growing complacent

But I fucking can’t. So…..




on giving