Category Filter: Goofy
“Calliope says practice magic,
But I’m not a clockwork toy;
I know what sorrow befalls men
who walk that fruitless path of toil”,
Worst temps of the year on valentines day
Get a lung-load of that cold Feb-ru-Air, Eh?
Nothing sexy like systemic asthma triggers
Winds so brisk they set alveoli a-shiver
“So bleak, like my heart, it’s omenic” they say
Nevermind that we’re stuck in the ass end of winter
Tell me about this weathered wax slice
Warped by the light of the radiant sun
Let me tickle my nose with its faded sleeves dust
Big breath and motes waltz all around the room
Manic pixie nightmare girl
eats your dreams and taints your world
with black and crispy twisty hopes
silken ties that knot like ropes
around your neck
She’s something special
Machiavelli’s secret vessel…
Mister Robin, fat and feathered,
Hopping in the back yard
Bright of breast but dull of eye
Boasting proudly that he’s spry
Plumb with beetle, worm, and larvae
Thinks he’s the King of the garden
Endless scream day
Guess I should have known from the manic haze
that’s been haunting me. I’ll be unfazed
Till I break down, Prob’ly saturday
when I unwind- just a little slip
My dad gets gout-
Bet I get it too
Because I love meat and grain based booze
And to stroll all day til my toes are sore
Then to fuck and eat and drink some more
Adipose monster suit
Gaiman’s other father
Growing quiet right into my flesh
Trying to bubble over
Sinks it’s tiny little claws in
Your advice is “don’t be clever”?
Well, that’s all I can be.
“Just state your intent clearly”
Lines molten inside me.
Too quick to crystallize, they harden
What frozen chill grows in this silence
Cuts through, cut-throat, tinged with violence
Here’s to the ice-edged knife!
My tongue stuck
To piteous idol of nihilismus
asking how to make you smile's like
asking clouds how to make them rain
they do not know, they could not care,
and frankly there's no way but waiting
I'm bored of nature metaphors!
Give me a goddamn violin
or some weird suede boots
Or a wild red train
or a creepy dancing mannequin!
Do you think anything original?
A hundred gems of wisdom
Plucked from other people’s
Pens and strings
What a fine silver ribbon
of silk in the moonlight!
What an enchanting shine!
What a sweet sterling smile,
A slice of excitement,
A quivering thrill of delight!
Something tender, soft, and golden
Pale spark blossoms with the moon
Butt’ry Spiral, Just unwinding
To a sweetly whispered tune
surfing through ; It's kind of like
fat paintbrushes all dipped in white
then dappled over wave and hill an'
crushed against the rising sky.
If I discard my dreams, to my surprise my load feels lighter
without the blinder of my goals the path I walk glows slightly brighter
Insatiable insanity
it crawls into his skin and makes him
thrash and shake and shout
like "magic fingers" for society
Pretty little kitty cat gave my nose a bitty bat,
pretty dang bold 'cause I'm bigger than a pack a' rats.
I planted seeds but nothings growing,
racked my brain but nothings showing up
I try to play creator,
what I makes not worth the paper
No one gives a fuck about poetry
You can't eat it, or wear it, it ain't worth a dime
And that's true despite how meticulously
You craft every syllable into its line
They sanitized my brain and left me permanently sober
I used to be a veritable miracle of faith
They stuffed it full of hormones and then rinsed it out with bleach
So no more phone lines straight to God
And no more bleeding ink.
Shove off from shore, the whispering wake of
slipshod ships will martyrs make of
wily women with tortured tongues and
broken backs as they escape
Romeo, Romeo, step back Romeo
Lets have a chat about the nightcap sitting on the
back of your girlfriend’s nightstand Romeo
Rosalind was never gonna ask you to dance
Not a chance
Wear your Whimsy!
Don Quixotic
Stitch mirth into timeless garments
Save time with a twitch, a tesser
Fold up like a two toned jester
Handle heartache -bezier
Take ahold and twist away!
Coil’d round my finger, Numb,
this tiny golden snake’s begun
To flick his sweet and noxious tongue
Against my thumb, the fading thrum
My heartbeat stutters - Bum, Ba-da-Dum
People think they’re badass “You’re the Joker to my Harley!”
Bitch that’s fucked up, you’re pathetic, you could be a class A medic
Super hero in your own right, stead you gonna let this broken bastard denigrate you all night?
Twenty four arms, black and void
all from my center writhing,
While unknowable electric pulses
center in my spine And,
towering tall, grotesque in might,
Unfairly thriving I drink deeply,
my skin laps up blist'ring sunlight
and it tastes ambrosial sweet so