Category Filter: Sanguine
Twenty four arms, black and void
all from my center writhing,
While unknowable electric pulses
center in my spine And,
towering tall, grotesque in might,
Unfairly thriving I drink deeply,
my skin laps up blist'ring sunlight
and it tastes ambrosial sweet so
Rise shining, stiff back scratch on bark
That's cracked as wide as shins and shoulders
Grip a brisk grin twixt my teeth
Sprint off, full of lust and wonder
Crush n crumble patterned lichen
scrambling over boulders…
Warmth late in the year leaves me conflicted
Want to curl up in the sun’s lap
Want to sprint to get my shit done
Try to meter out my options
Sometimes you speak,
sometimes I fantasize,
and often
neither one should be believed to
prove some truth against our odds
of simulacron data mines,
Tell me about this weathered wax slice
Warped by the light of the radiant sun
Let me tickle my nose with its faded sleeves dust
Big breath and motes waltz all around the room
My dad gets gout-
Bet I get it too
Because I love meat and grain based booze
And to stroll all day til my toes are sore
Then to fuck and eat and drink some more
you cut me and I bite my tongue
dumb my ears and hunt the drums
lime on one hand, tar on the other
lungs and tendons falter
What a fine silver ribbon
of silk in the moonlight!
What an enchanting shine!
What a sweet sterling smile,
A slice of excitement,
A quivering thrill of delight!
Something tender, soft, and golden
Pale spark blossoms with the moon
Butt’ry Spiral, Just unwinding
To a sweetly whispered tune
surfing through ; It's kind of like
fat paintbrushes all dipped in white
then dappled over wave and hill an'
crushed against the rising sky.
are hollow vessels
Fill with feelings;
let it settle
Birth them whole
from sacred stone
To see
The being
you've become
If I discard my dreams, to my surprise my load feels lighter
without the blinder of my goals the path I walk glows slightly brighter
I want to walk down to the laundry mat
and put my whole self in,
load my quarters up, pat my pockets down,
and let myself spin and spin.
Insatiable insanity
it crawls into his skin and makes him
thrash and shake and shout
like "magic fingers" for society
Pretty little kitty cat gave my nose a bitty bat,
pretty dang bold 'cause I'm bigger than a pack a' rats.
Romeo, Romeo, step back Romeo
Lets have a chat about the nightcap sitting on the
back of your girlfriend’s nightstand Romeo
Rosalind was never gonna ask you to dance
Not a chance
Wear your Whimsy!
Don Quixotic
Stitch mirth into timeless garments
Save time with a twitch, a tesser
Fold up like a two toned jester
Handle heartache -bezier
Take ahold and twist away!
This Caravan
of slow moving vans is
really getting out of hand
The drivers, being only man,
each surely does the best he can
Who's this girl your dreams chase after?
Who's this vision in my head?
She's a mess of TV static-
Shines like gold and sinks like lead.
Sometimes she's so sweet and loving,
Today I counted, on a whim,
the ways the sun came slinking in:
across the dusty ancient floors
it crept and slipped under the doors and
in the cracks it sat and slept the day away
disturbing nests of birds and bugs who'd made their homes
I ache for the ocean
For uplifting waves
For sun that caresses the sand into haze
I float on a surfboard
Of winter’s eve dreams
High in the low wold
Reading Neizsche
out loud; old friends’
morbid teacher
Read Nietzsche; Sweat
in the harsh spring sun
Macabre teacher
Neath my thumb and tongue