Poems Go Here (In Chronological Order)

genuine, Loath, Passion, Sorrow Guest User genuine, Loath, Passion, Sorrow Guest User

Go. Home.

I want to carve the pieces out you've scarred into my life
But if I take my blade up then I'll be left scarred, but twice
I want to scour the things you think, the way you act, and how you look
To find the peace I had before the liberties you took

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Loath, Passion Guest User Loath, Passion Guest User


I have an itch so deep inside I'd need a knife to scratch
It's settled in my gut, my wrists, my throat, my heart, my back
I try hard to ignore it, as it's worse the more I think
Try to divert myself with friends and food and work and ink.

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goofy, Sorrow, Passion Guest User goofy, Sorrow, Passion Guest User


People think they’re badass “You’re the Joker to my Harley!”
Bitch that’s fucked up, you’re pathetic, you could be a class A medic
Super hero in your own right, stead you gonna let this broken bastard denigrate you all night?

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Choose from the tags below to switch between pages(1-20 are the oldest poems on the last page):