Category Filter: Love
Fall last year, around this time a tweaked out woman wandered by
Knocked on the door, asked for a 20:
Told her I was broke and couldn’t offer money
But that I had some fruit and could give her a coke,
I am still not ready to keep living after losing you
But days keep passing by no matter what I say I cannot do
Everything inside of me keeps screaming I should "Give up!"
Laughter Wound ‘round me, string holiday lights,
Like boleadoras it ties me up tight
Trapped and enraptured
By you and your ape act, wiggling fingers,
In contrary, your piety
Makes love to minds
through songs like Seraphim
Your clarity of artistry
Surpasses as amalgam
God and Sin.
What was once crisp, great rustling pile,
All bounce and crunch and childish wiles
Now mildew-wet, darkened, deflated
Jump in, slick, and twist my ankles
asking how to make you smile's like
asking clouds how to make them rain
they do not know, they could not care,
and frankly there's no way but waiting
Something tender, soft, and golden
Pale spark blossoms with the moon
Butt’ry Spiral, Just unwinding
To a sweetly whispered tune
Go ahead, baby
Tell me what’s broken
I’m feeling bitter but
Still, I’m hopeful
Take it out on me
Tender child
Tend to the hate
I'd neglected a while
Pretty little kitty cat gave my nose a bitty bat,
pretty dang bold 'cause I'm bigger than a pack a' rats.
My mind was an unkempt garden
Friend, you helped me pull the weeds
Your wisdom is a hidden temple
Where I can rest in quiet peace
No one gives a fuck about poetry
You can't eat it, or wear it, it ain't worth a dime
And that's true despite how meticulously
You craft every syllable into its line
Yeah I wanna be your muse-
What girl wouldn't?
When you play like a God
While you pray like a Sycophant
Romeo, Romeo, step back Romeo
Lets have a chat about the nightcap sitting on the
back of your girlfriend’s nightstand Romeo
Rosalind was never gonna ask you to dance
Not a chance
Bittersweet how sweet and bitter
love can be when pretense withers
tender - like the underbelly
not like fruit that's heavy, ready,
freshly plucked your heart will seem
Coil’d round my finger, Numb,
this tiny golden snake’s begun
To flick his sweet and noxious tongue
Against my thumb, the fading thrum
My heartbeat stutters - Bum, Ba-da-Dum
I want nothing and
I trust no one
Heartbreak’s inevitable
Pour me another one
I drank up my innocence
That top shelf gullible
Now I buy that ten dollar half gallon vitriol
I've been
doing everything that I can to grow
Believe the hardest thing I ever tried to do was let go
And the person who I really want to be
Who I'm gonna be
I'm not letting you fade away-
I'm betting you're strong enough.
You were the first one to inspire me,
I love the crazy that you're made of.
Who's this girl your dreams chase after?
Who's this vision in my head?
She's a mess of TV static-
Shines like gold and sinks like lead.
Sometimes she's so sweet and loving,
Today I counted, on a whim,
the ways the sun came slinking in:
across the dusty ancient floors
it crept and slipped under the doors and
in the cracks it sat and slept the day away
disturbing nests of birds and bugs who'd made their homes
Childish thrones and childish thorns and I
,a child myself,
affected by your modest offerings
placed your beauty on a shelf too high for me
for I, so little,
I ache for the ocean
For uplifting waves
For sun that caresses the sand into haze
I float on a surfboard
Of winter’s eve dreams
I miss lounging in your bed
Your nicotine sweetened breath an apparition
Ecto-hawk wings furling feathered round my head